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Is there cocaine in your cupboard?”
Those living with excess weight often feel their lack of willpower and need for convenience is the main reason they choose taste over health. But, you may be surprised to know that the “foods” on the shelves of grocery stores, schools, work canteens, and pretty much everywhere in between, are engineered for addiction, in the same way as cigarettes or illicit drugs.
They call it “hyperpalatable foods”, the inevitable consequence of making sugar, salt, and hydrogenated oil the main ingredient of most processed and ultra-processed food products. To compensate for the flavour eliminating preservation processes that gives these foods their long-shelf life, food scientists have steadily tinkered with obesogenic, carcinogenic, and metabolic disruptive ingredients and chemicals to entice consumers into buying large quantities of their product.
The Power of Food Combining and Blood Type: Tailoring a Customised Diet for Optimal Health
A key tenant of naturopathic medicine is bio-individuality, which understands that each person is unique. We all differ in how we experience the world, how our body reacts to it’s environment, and how our body will heal when it’s out of balance. Though symptoms of disease will manifest in the same way, how an individual becomes sick, and how their body choses to embark on self-healing, are key considerations for naturopathic practitioners as they guide people towards healing.
Eating Wholesome and Organic on a Budget #WorldFoodDay #Recipes and #Budgets
Food costs have also risen 12.2% in 2023 in the UK. In the US, every year there’s been a steady increase in food costs, with the latest figures suggesting an 11.4% increase. From experience, food has always been more expensive in the US than the UK, so that 11.4% is slightly deceptive, as overall, common healthy food items like coconut oil and olive oil are double, to triple the cost of that in the UK.
Chemical Foods: Understanding the Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods
Fertility rates continually plummet, and cardiovascular disease and liver disease is being seen in younger and younger populations. There are many theories on how this is happening, nutrition being a prime culprit. One of the most obvious, and horrifying, trends in the realm of nutrition is the widespread consumption of ultra-processed foods.
Is orange juice deadly? Most Likely
For many of us, a glass of orange juice has been a morning staple, synonymous with a healthy start to the day. However, the reality is that store-bought orange juice often comes with a hidden cocktail of chemicals and high sugar content that may not be as beneficial for your health as you think.
Metabolic Harmony: Navigating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are complex, often debilitating chronic conditions that affect millions of women and men worldwide. While the exact causes remain elusive, the conditions are thought to arise out of a toxicity (usually heavy metals), previous viral infection (e.g., Epstein Barr Virus and Lyme Disease), and gut dysbiosis.
Rethinking Cancer: Exploring the Big C as a Metabolic Disease
While the metabolic approach to cancer is still in its early stages, it offers a promising avenue for future research and treatment options. By targeting the metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells, we may be able to develop more effective and less toxic therapies. Understanding cancer as a metabolic disease is not only changing how we perceive this complex illness but also holds the potential to revolutionize the way we approach its prevention and treatment in the years to come.
Are Ozempic and Mounjaro Safe Choices?
While Ozempic and Mounjaro offer potential benefits in terms of blood sugar control and weight loss, concerns have arisen regarding their safety profile. Here are some key issues that have raised red flags among healthcare professionals and natural practitioners.
Best diet? Start with mindful eating
I don’t believe in diets because we never, as human beings, until fairly recently, ever did it. The word was created in the 19th century, and the fiction around an “ideal body type” didn’t come about until the mid-1800s.