The Divine Prescription: God's Desire for Our Holistic Wellbeing

The pursuit of health and wellbeing is a universal aspiration, transcending cultural, religious, and geographical boundaries. Many faith traditions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and others, emphasise the importance of health in body, mind, and spirit. They argue that God, or the divine force, wants us to lead fulfilling, healthy lives by maintaining a deep connection with the universe. And though you don’t have to have a religion to stay aligned to that focus, religious practice can serve as a guiding light, inspiring individuals to live healthily and strive for holistic wellbeing at all times, even when those times become challenging - or in the event that the way seems closed.

The Body: A Temple of God

In various religious texts, the human body is often referred to as a temple of God. This is a powerful metaphor focusing the idea that taking care of our physical health is a sacred duty. God desires that we honor and respect our bodies by maintaining good health. This includes nourishing our bodies with nutritious food and hydration, regular movement, and adequate rest.

Christianity, for instance, teaches that our bodies are a "temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). This suggests that neglecting our physical wellbeing is not in accordance with God's plan. By taking care of our bodies, we show reverence for the divine gift of life, and we can better serve humanity through clear minds that feed just actions.

The Mind: A Garden of Wisdom

The mind, too, is seen as a precious gift from God. In many religious traditions, the pursuit of wisdom, knowledge, and mental clarity is thought to connect us with the divine. God desires for us to cultivate our minds, making them gardens of virtue and understanding. Meditation, prayer, and contemplation are practices that help maintain a healthy and focused mind. The pineal gland found in the brain, often called the “third eye” or “seat of the soul” serves as our connection between earth and the spiritual realm. It’s also the critical gland that regulates temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue and the circadian rhythms in the body. With this in mind, we should be conscious of the fact that seemingly everyday things we do or ingest on some level, may be indeed disconnecting us from Spirit. For instance, the chemical compound, fluoride, disrupts the activity of this critical gland, atrophying our connection with the divine. It also causes the dysregulation of our body’s ability to function with clarity, as it causes us to wrongly assess our environment’s temperature, or whether we’re hungry or thirsty. We can even experience fatigue and poor sleep. Most fluoride consumed accumulates in the body and tissues, particularly calcifying the pineal gland.

Buddhism places a strong emphasis on mental well-being and teaches that enlightenment can only be achieved through a disciplined and clear mind. This concept aligns with the idea that God desires us to seek wisdom and clarity, avoiding harmful behaviours that disconnect us from Creation, cloud our judgment or lead to mental unrest.

The Spirit: Nourishing the Soul

Connecting with the divine, nourishing the soul, and maintaining spiritual wellbeing is a cornerstone of religious practice. Prayer, meditation, and worship are ways to ensure connection even if you’re alone … it allows you to find purpose and meaning in life. Prayer and meditation ensures individuals are able to demonstrate courage in challenging situations, bravery when afraid, and to cultivate a sense of inner peace in chaos.

Islam, for instance, encourages a deep connection with God through daily prayers, fasting, and acts of charity. These practices not only strengthen the bond with the divine, but also contribute to an ongoing connection with Spirit.


Religious traditions offer the principles and moral guidelines that serve as a compass for a healthy life.

“Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.” Jeremiah 33:6

God's desire for our holistic wellbeing is demonstrative in religious teachings and in our own desire for joy and peace. The body, mind, and spirit are interconnected, with Spirit being essential to a balanced and healthy life. Religious practice is a steady reminder of this connection, and ensures that in whatever circumstance, we remain connected to the universe. With toxic challenges like Fluoride and the trauma and scarring of the Earth and it’s inhabitants, we can sometimes forget that our bodies are temples that require our respect and reverence. No matter the circumstance, God desires we live as healthily and organically as possible.

By respecting our bodies, cultivating our minds, and nourishing our spirits, we align ourselves with God's intention for our wellbeing.

The spiritual guidance found in religious teachings helps us make choices that benefit ourselves and the world around us as we move through our journey towards a healthy, fulfilling, and non-toxic life.


Perming Yourself to Death


Creating a Healthier Home: Eliminating Toxins and Embracing Natural Products