Alternative Health Coaching: The Art of Reading Your Own Body

Orthodox medicine (also called allopathic or conventional medicine) is a symptomatic approach to disease. Symptoms are not just analysed to achieve a diagnosis (which is the identification of disease) but also are often seen as the root cause and perpetuating factor in disease. For instance, high blood pressure is treated with medications to lower blood pressure. Lifestyle factors such as poor nutritional status, lack of exercise, and stress, are seen as something that a person with high blood pressure is inclined to have, rather than the lifestyle factors are the disease itself.

Orthodox medicine sees health as the inability to get sick even under toxic, oppressive circumstances. There are estimates that 10% of people, irrespective of their lifestyle choices, will not get high blood pressure. Orthodox medicine favours the 10%.

We have grown accustomed in our society to act as though perfectly normal behaviour - mindful eating, regular movement, peaceful and stress free existence - is something for the privileged.

We have become accustomed to saying “I’m not that kind of person” about diet and exercise, as if these things are not intrinsic to being a human. We are designed to be fit and healthy. That was the intention when we were divinely made.

Alternative health coaching encompasses a diverse array of approaches, from traditional Eastern practices like TCM and Ayurveda, to African and Indigenous healing arts, to newer modalities like functional medicine and energetic healing.

But at it’s core, it’s alternative health coaching is rooted in the belief that our bodies communicate with us and every cell in our being is fighting for dear life to keep us alive.

True health goes beyond the absence of symptoms or disease. All of us were born free, to live via our maximum vitality and wellbeing. Alternative health coaching offers a mind-body-spirit-energy approach to optimising health and healing.

My Role as the Coach

Alternative health coaching by it’s nature focuses the individual. Solution’s are found collaboratively as I teach the language of the body. There is the typical work of identifying a clients unique health goals, challenges, and aspirations to create a tailored plan. But most importantly, unlike conventional medicine, the aim is that you learn the language of your body, and how your symptoms are just SOS-calls from your body to reconfigure and realign your life.

As an alternative health coach, I will seek to address the underlying causes of suboptimal health, considering factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, stress, and emotional wellbeing. Central to this investigation is to act as a guide, mentor, and supporter to help clients understand the universe that is within them. I will listen, compassionately, in a non-judgmental, safe environment where you can fully explore your health and what led to suboptimal habits, behaviour and health status. Together, we’ll uncover patterns and beliefs that are impacting their health, and you will leave with the tools and enthusiasm to support yourself in your healing.

Drawing from a myriad of disciplines such as nutrition, herbal medicine, spiritual practice, movement practice and breathwork from various healing traditions, we will work together to optimise your health.

The Art of Reading Your Own Body

Orthodox medicine approaches illness through symptom management, and decides health is achieved in the absence of symptoms. This is fundamentally how we arrive at a situation time and time again where the supposed “cure” causes the disease (called iatrogenesis, which accounts for upwards of 34% of illness).

Alternative, holistic health, such as naturopathy, herbalism, acupuncture, and homeopathy is focused on uncovering the root causes of disease. And in that tradition, Alternative Health Coaches recognise that symptoms are often manifestations of underlying imbalances or dysfunctions in the body, mind, spirit or energy centre. Through the lens of the individual, I can support the necessary nutritional changes (and tips on cooking and preparing food) stress management techniques, movement practices and emotional/spiritual healing techniques that restore balance and promote optimal health from the inside out.

Central tenets of alternative health coaching is

1) The body is fighting for you and wants you to win

2) The body has an innate ability to heal / achieve it’s balance, given the right support and conditions.

I will empower clients to take an active role in their health by cultivating self-awareness, self-care practices, and lifestyle rituals that promote wellness, healing and living at your optimal existence.

Through knowledge sharing, guidance, and encouragement, I will help develop the skills in translating the language of your body, so that you can read the cues and make the appropriate changes when required.

Our bodies are not static, and are completely unique. Alternative health coaching also seeks to support you in understanding the natural transitional states, such as menopause, seeing them as a change in season rather than a disease.


Alternative health coaching is a paradigm shift for health and wellness, embracing the interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit and energy. It blends ancient wisdom with modern science, providing comprehensive personalised approach to wellness, and equipping you with the language to take control of your health. If you read this far, you deserve to experience the difference in alternative health coaching. Click here for a free 45 minute session. As awareness grows so will the health of the world, as we recognise our bodies are not a battlefield.


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